4 Reasons on Why You Should Invest In Real Estate Photography

Invest Real Estate Photography

One thing that stands out when you speak to potential clients looking for houses is that they have a vision of what their home looks like – lots of references, photos, videos, and social media posts of what they want their house to look like.

This emphasizes the old adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The National Association of REALTORS Research Group report in 2019 proved that the most crucial website features for home buyers looking at houses on the internet under the age of 63 were photographs of the listing.

If photos are the factor that makes buyers pick up the phone and call the real estate agent, you know you need to invest in good real estate photography for your listing.

But real estate photography isn’t something you can DIY with your phone camera. The angle, lighting, and quality of photographs play a lot in deciding if potential buyers will be interested in your home. Here’s why you should invest in real estate photography for your listing:

Professional photos generate more interest

Photos are important to get buyers interested in a listing, but bad photographs can also deter a buyer from liking a house, no matter how great it looks in real life and even though it is in a good neighborhood.

Whereas professional photographs can attract more buyers. The South Texas real estate photography company compared the internet user traffic on listings that used professional photos vis those without aesthetically pleasing photos in the same pin code. They found the listings with professionally shot photos to have a higher listing.

The Wall Street Journal published a graph showing that across all price brackets, listings that a professional photographer photographed sold more.  This report was published back in 2010. If this was true a decade ago when the internet hadn’t taken over our lives, the emphasis on good aesthetics has increased manifold since most buyers spend a lot of their time browsing for what sort of homes they want online and have information available at the click of a mouse.

You’ll save time and effort

Being a real estate agent is a 24*7 job. There are so many aspects of the job you have to cater to. Add trying to come up with the right angles, suitable lighting, and right aesthetics to shoot photos of your listing, and you won’t have time to sleep.

Plus, professional photographers have experience in what works and what looks appealing to the audience, so sometimes art is best left to professionals who have the expertise and talent.

Hiring a real estate photographer will not only help you reduce your workload, but the right photos are also a great marketing campaign.

Sell the lifestyle to your next buyer

Research also shows that professionally shot property listings sell 50% faster when compared to homes that have point-and-shoot images. With the help of a photograph, you’re not only telling your buyer the color of the room and how big it is, but you’re also selling them their lifestyle.

You’re helping them envision the life they want in their new home. After all, buying a home is a big deal for most buyers, who might have been looking for a beautiful house to start a new phase of their life. Showing them the right photographs with the right lighting and angles will help them envision living in their new homes.

Improves the turnaround time

Once you invest in a real estate photographer, you’ll notice that there’s more traffic on your website and more inquiries in your listing.

Hiring a professional real estate photographer might seem like an extra cost in your budget, but it’s a great marketing tactic since research shows that professionally shot homes sell faster. Professionally shot photos for a listing also help you get a higher price from interested buyers. Buyers can easily imagine themselves living a new phase of their life in a home that looks great in pictures, and a well-shot home also helps convey the sense that the house has been built with quality.

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