5 Common House Bed Bugs that Can Affect your Health


While there are 90 million bed bugs available in the world, there are only a few which are known to pose health threats. From creating mild rashes in the body, these bed bugs are also known to cause anaphylactic shocks, which include impetigo, lymphanigitis, and ecthyma. But there are 5 common Bed bugs that are found in your bed, carpet, rugs, mattress, and behind your curtain which are quite harmful as well.

Most Common Home Bed Bugs

1. Bat bugs

These are observed in the tropical regions as well as in the more temperate areas. This species feeds primarily on the bats, but at times they also feed on human hosts, especially if the preferred source is no longer present. These are known to cause mild to serious rashes on the human body.

2. Mexican Chicken bug

While the name itself is quite contradictory, these are known to be the species causing severe health threats. From causing rashes, eczema, and acne-like features, they can also create some lingering skin diseases, which can be severe life-threatening if not treated at the right time. People can experience fever and vomiting if serious problems continue to persist.

3. Barn swallow bugs

While these bugs lie on the cliff swallows that live on the swallow nests, these buds have been recognized to enter people’s dwellings when bird migration occurs. These bugs thrive on the beds especially in the temperate and the tropical climate. They are known to cause shock syndromes in humans if the infestation is serious.

4. Bloodsucking Conenose

As the name suggests, these are known to cause severe health threats causing the person to suffer from anemia and similar other problems that are caused due to blood loss. These bugs suck your blood throughout the time when you are on your bed.

5. Ticks

Like bed bugs, ticks usually bite humans and cause reddish rashes with irritation. The rashes most of the time resemble an allergic reaction.

How to control Bed Bugs

Bed bugs can be treated in the following ways.

  1. Close all the cracks and crevices where bugs are likely to hide.
  2. Prepare the infested area for proper treatment, which might include the disposing of affected mattresses, bedding covers, drapes, carpets, and so on.
  3. Spraying, professional carpet and rugs cleaning, and dusting bed bug repellents. You can even use the carpet cleaning services to remove them
  4. It is important to conduct follow-up treatment and regular bed bug inspection in order to ensure that the bed is completely bug-free. Re-treatments are done every 2 months to ensure the efficacy of bug control measures.

And finally, it is important to accurately identify bed bugs before beginning the line of treatment for an infestation. Remember that the incorrect control methods can make the situation even worse.

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