5 Most Common Signs That You Have A Hidden Water Leak

signs Hidden Water Leak

In most cases, water enters your home and is used by the appliances and faucets that need it. However, all plumbing ages and there are other things that can damage joints, such as regular pressure changes.

The result can be leaks that may go undetected for long periods of time. Once you discover them you‘ll need a reputable local emergency plumber to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

After all, a water leak that goes undetected can cause wet rot leading to structural issues, as well as mold, a damp smell, and attract pests.

Detecting A Water Leak

The simplest way to decide if you have a leak, hidden or not, is to stop using water for a couple of hours. At the beginning of that two hours take a note of your water meter reading. After two hours read it again. If the reading has changed and you haven’t used any water, you have a leak.

Now all you have to do is find it, that’s where the common signs are useful. Start looking for the following:

1. Discoloration

One of the most obvious signs that you have a water leak is discoloration. It can happen on the walls, ceilings, or even the floors. Obviously the discoloration will be near the actual leak. Discoloration and water stains are a sign that water has been sitting there for a while. You’ll want to look for the source as soon as possible.

As well as discoloration and stains you can tell there is a leak somewhere when the wallpaper starts to bubble.

2. Aroma

Water has a faint smell of chlorine. You are unlikely to notice this. However, water does make things damp and damp items start to smell. It’s a distinctive damp musty smell that once you have experienced you’ll never forget.

If you keep noticing a smell like that at home then you’ll want to investigate further as you may have a water leak or an issue with rising damp.

3. Sound

In most houses, it is rare to have complete silence. However, if you can create a short period where this is possible you can simply listen to your house. You’ll be surprised by how many different sounds you can hear. You are specifically listening for a dripping noise. The fainter it is the more likely it is in the walls, hidden.

It does help to know roughly where the water pipes are to ensure you’re listening in the right spots.

4. Base Of Showers, etc

You may assume that you would notice a leak but one of the biggest issues in many homes isn’t leaking pipes. Instead, it is water escaping when you are showering, washing your hair, or even doing the dishes. This water doesn’t get out of the pipes, instead, it leaks from the appliance.

Visually inspect around the base of every water appliance in your home. Water around the base of showers can be a leaking faucet but they are more likely to be a leak while showering. The silicon seal may need to be replaced.

Equally, water at the edge of your washing machine suggests an issue with either the pipe connected to the machine or an internal leak. In both cases, you’ll want expert help to assist you in resolving it.   

5. Green Grass

Finally, take a look at your garden where you should find green grass. However, if you notice one patch of grass is greener and grows faster then you may have a leak. This could be on the supply pipe to your home or the exit sewer pipe.

You’ll have to investigate further before deciding the best course of action.






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