7 Workouts You Can Do Before Bed to Lose Weight Fast

Workouts Before Bed to Lose Weight

Are you looking to lose weight but have days that are fully scheduled?

Do you struggle to find time to work out?

The best time could be right before bed. During that time when you are watching Netflix or reading a book to unwind. Working out would be a healthy addition to your nighttime routine.

This article will give you 6 ways you can start working out before bed.

1. Jump To It

Stressed from a busy day? Try jumping on a trampoline as a method of working out before bed.

One of the best parts about jumping on a trampoline is that it can be done while watching Netflix.

Jumping on a trampoline has numerous health benefits including improving our balance and coordination.

2. Walk it Out

Make it a habit to go on a nightly walk before bed.

Walking more is a great way to shed pounds and keep your heart healthy.

People should be aiming to hit 10,000 steps a day. Taking a walk before you go to bed could be the perfect time to reach that step count.

3. Abs All Night

This amazing “Abs All Night” challenge will help you fit in a killer workout in only three minutes.

You are basically doing an Eagle crunch for three minutes that will set your abs on fire!

4. Hit the Weights

High-intensity weightlifting sessions keep you burning calories for hours after you lift.

So lifting before bed will cause you to burn extra calories while you are sleeping.

Weight lifting helps add muscle to your body and having more muscle raises your metabolism.

5. Practice Planks

Planking is a killer way to tighten up not only your abs but your whole body.

Planking works your upper body, legs, and core better than almost any exercise.

Incorporate planking into your nighttime routine and notice how your body feels stronger when you wake up.

Try holding a front plank followed by a side plank on both sides for one minute each. You will wake up each day with a stomach that’s tauter and flatter than the day before.

6. Try Fitness Blender

Fitness Blender is a fitness site that posts free workout videos of all types.

If you are not the kind of person who easily works out on your own, it might be a good idea to try a workout video.

Workout videos will tell you exactly what needs to be done and for how long. All you have to do is follow along.

7. Yoga Before Your Bedtime

Yoga is a fantastic way to start working out before bed.

Yoga is not only relaxing and a great way to unwind after a long day, but it is also great for toning your body.

With yoga, you won’t get super sweaty after your evening shower. So you can easily do a yoga routine and then hop straight into bed.

Follow These Methods of Working Out Before Bed

Try these six different ways of working out before bed and find the ones that work best for you.

Everybody is different. You will soon discover what exercises your body responds well to.

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