Facials are undoubtedly good for our skin. Facial benefits are immense, from deep exfoliation to repairing and nourishing the skin, this skin practice totally rejuvenates the skin. Along with this, facial also helps to relieve tension, improves the function of skin glands, enhances blood circulation, softens the skin and makes it radiant.
It is only harmful in the scenarios when you overdo this. Doing a facial once a month is totally fine. Do remember you are starting doing this from the age of 25. So, preparing our skin, leaving dead skin cells, open pores, dull skin behind and getting a totally refreshed rejuvenating experience is a must for skin.
However, this doesn’t mean you always need to go to a salon to get this service there. You can also get this lavish feel even at your home by doing this by yourself. You just need to create a relaxing aura and have essential facial products like cleanser, steaming pot and a good face moisturizer.
Do facial at home and get your skin pampered the way you want. The facial is always done in 6 steps, including cleansing, Steaming, exfoliation, face mask and moisturization. Let’s read about these steps in little detail:
- Prepare yourself for facial
- Cleanse the face
- Take steam
- Do mild exfoliation
- Go for a thorough massage
- Apply DIY face pack
- Do moisturization
1. Prepare yourself for facial
Pre-preparation is very helpful for you to get the best experience from a facial at home. The very first thing is get every skincare product, instrument and clothes next to you which you need while facial. For instance, a steaming instrument, towels, creams and prepared face mask.
Now, forward to make your ambience relaxing. Lighten your favorite fragrance candle, dim the light along with doing some pedicure. Yes you heard right. You can soak your feet in water containing epsom salt while having a face mask or massage. It will really help to relieve your body stress in a great way.
Now let’s move towards the steps you need to do in facial:
2. Cleanse the face
Facials should only be done on clean skin. The very first step before sitting for deep exfoliation and thorough massage, you need to rinse your face with a good face wash or clean your face using cleansing lotion or milk.
This will remove all the dead skin, dirt, and extra oiliness from the face and open pores, which makes skin clear and speckless. Now you can take steam to prepare skin for the exfoliation.
3. Take steam
Everyone of you definitely knows about steaming. It is not only for skin but also good for people with sinus infection, common cold, flu, bronchitis, asthma and nasal allergies.
Steam also makes skin soft, open up the pores and prepare skin to get exfoliated.
For taking steam, you need a big towel and a steaming instrument. If you don’t have a steam instrument, then you can take steam by hovering your face upon a pot containing hot boiling water. Remember to cover your face with a soft towel while hovering the face above the pot or in front of the steamer nosal.
Take steam for about 2-3 minutes including intervals and don’t forget to recall to maintain a distance of 6 inches between your face and pot.
4. Do mild exfoliation
Now it’s time to do exfoliation. You can select a good walnut or apricot scrub or a home-prepared scrub to exfoliate the skin.
For homemade scrub you can simply mix a cup of yogurt with 3 teaspoons of fresh grounded coffee. Blend the mixture for about 5 minutes and then add a teaspoon of honey in it. Your scrub is ready to use. You can also try rice flour and milk mixture to scrub your face.
Now apply a scrub of your choice on your face. Rub this in circular motions for sometime. Afterwards rinse face using lukewarm or normal water.
5. Go for a thorough massage
Now your skin is super clear, all pores are clear and your face is free of dead skin after exfoliation. Now it’s time to get a massage. Massage will help to activate facial muscles, improves blood circulation and provides intense glow.
For this you can use any kind of essential oil like argon, coconut or jojoba. Else you can choose a good fruit cream for this purpose. Do a proper massage till the product is fully absorbed into the skin. Afterwards, cleanse the face using a wet towel.
6. Apply DIY face pack
It is time to apply face pack. A home made pack is perfect if you are doing facial at home. Well you can choose or make face pack according to your skin care concern. However, if you are doing facials to get eventone, glowing and radiant skin, you can try Aloe Vera, honey, lemon pack or simply apply the gram wheat, turmeric pack.
Aloevera, honey, lemon face pack
Take 1 tablespoon of each ingredient, blend them together and make a fine paste. Now apply onto the face and leave for about 15 to 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse your face with normal water.
Gram wheat and turmeric face pack
Mix half tablespoon of turmeric and 1 tablespoon of rose water in 1 tablespoon of besan. You can gradually increase the quantity as per your requirements. Mix the mixture well and make a fine paste. Apply the mixture onto the face and wait till it gets dry. Now rinse the face with normal water.
7. Do moisturization
Here you are done with the cleansing and exfoliating of the skin. It’s time to apply face moisturizer in the end. Moisturization plays an important role in the facial. It is essential to keep skin moist and soft. Now, choose the moisturizer according to your skin type. Generally for dry to normal skin, choose the ultra hydrating moisturizer, but for oily skin you need a mattifying moisturizer, which can help to keep your extra oily skin in control. This will help to reduce the risk of breakouts and sticky faces.
This is the end of the facial routine. You need these steps, follow these steps and you are done with facials. This is a very easy practise to do at home. Don’t wait to go to the salon, bring the salon at home and give your skin the care it wants.