The 10 Best Small Fun Activities for Employees

Team Building Activities Employees

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, they say. And it applies to your employees too. One major aspect of supporting your employees is to ensure they enjoy themselves once in a while.

It also doesn’t have to be over-the-top activities. There is this idea that fun team-building activities have to be extravagant. In fact, opting for smaller, simple-to-execute activities can brighten up your employee’s day.

Here’s our list of some of the best activities available.

10 Small Fun Activities for Your Office

Lunchtime Walking Club

Nothing helps employees more than getting a dose of fresh air. You can help encourage that by creating a lunchtime walking club. A few times a week, get your team together and go for a walk around the neighbourhood. You can eat lunch during, before or after it. It’s a pleasant break from the office grind.

Mid-Morning Stretches

Getting the body moving is a great way to stimulate your employees both mentally and physically. So set up a daily routine to get the team stretching together. Choose a different “stretch leader” each week to get the team stretching. It works as a nice break from work and encourages bonding too.

Escape Room

Simple yet fun! Escape rooms are great for team-building and don’t require an extensive amount of effort to organize. Set up teams that work well together (or that you want to work well together) and set up a date to go. With most venus having multiple rooms, you can get the whole office together.

Office Trivia

We’re not talking about the hit sitcom, “The Office”; we’re referring to creating a trivia night about your office. Set up a date that works for everyone and get your employees to write fun questions about their colleagues. Compile them together and set up a fun trivia night!

Lunchtime Groups

This idea we are pinching from The Office TV show. Do you remember when Pam, Oscar and Toby have a fancy lunch every week to discuss, well, fancy stuff? You can do the same by asking your employees to organize weekly lunch groups to discuss their fields of interest. We’re looking at the likes of sports (soccer, NFL, hockey), TV shows (Game of Thrones or LOST) and food (what else better to talk about during lunch?).

Two-Truths, One Lie

A great game that gets your employees to know more about each other without requiring extensive organizing or effort. Get one employee per day to commence the game, and work your way through the office. It can provide vital for your team bonding – plus, it’s super fun!

Monthly Lunch!

Your treat for the month. Choose a date and time that works for everyone (maybe the last week of the month) and order them lunch from a local restaurant. To keep things different and to keep your employees happy, set up polls a week before. Start with a “Choice of Food Cuisine: Mexican, Italian etc.” and then “Best Local Establishments” for the winning cuisine. The polls will give you an answer to what your office wants for that monthly lunch!

Board Games

Get a break room going and place some easy-to-organize board games there for your employees. And encourage them to play a game a week during lunch break (or before or after work hours). Your team will enjoy the break and can slowly play games over the course of a few weeks.

Volunteer Together

Sometimes, working together to give something back is the best thing you can do. Get the team together and decide on volunteering for a charity together. You could donate toys to children, work at soup kitchens, or host their own little charity night. It can be for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter or any time of the year. It’s all down to what you and your team believe in!

A Cook-Off!

Every employee raves about their own food, so why not add some competition to the mix by organizing a cook-off? You can spread this event out over a few weeks, with different employees bringing in food and sharing it with the team. Just be sure that the food is edible for everyone and no get is allergic to anything specific!

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