7 Common Foods That Can Help Support Your Immune System

Foods Help Support Immune System

You should give your immune system all the support you can. Maintaining a strong immune system is a good thing even when it’s not cold and flu season or when the new coronavirus is no longer a danger.

You can boost your immune system by consuming nutrient-rich meals in addition to engaging in well-researched healthy behaviors like getting enough sleep, prioritizing exercise, forming connections with others and your community, and employing stress-relieving techniques.

According to O’Flynn Medical, these are the seven most common foods that can help support your immune system.

The Immune-Supporting Vitamin C Found in Citrus and Leafy Greens

According to research, oxidative stress occurs when the body’s good antioxidants and dangerous free radicals are in an unbalanced ratio. According to a study, oxidative stress raises one’s risk of developing diabetes, cancer, and several other diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and stroke.

A study that was published in November 2017 in Nutrients explains that vitamin C is a sort of antioxidant that acts as a free-radical scavenger and boosts immunity by supporting cellular function, among other advantages.

 Vitamin-rich foods should be your first choice. Oranges, lemons, strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes, broccoli, leafy greens like kale, and bell peppers are among the foods with various vitamins and Minerals, according to the NIH. to aid vitamin C retention.


Turmeric is a very common curry and other veg ingredients that you may be familiar with. His bright yellow, pungent spice has also long been used as an anti-inflammatory in the treatment of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.

High levels of curcumin, the pigment that gives turmeric its unique color, have been found to reduce the damage that exercises cause to muscles, according to research from a reliable source. Based on results from animal studies, curcumin shows potential as an immune stimulant and an antiviral.


Kiwis, like papayas, are naturally abundant in a wide variety of important nutrients, such as folate, potassium, vitamin K, and vitamin C.

The white blood cells are strengthened by vitamin C to fight illness, while the other minerals in kiwis keep the rest of your body healthy.


Certain elements that enhance immunity are abundant in regular eggs. However, compared to regular eggs, Eggland’s Best eggs have ten times the vitamin E, six times the vitamin D, twice the vitamin B12, and three times the amount of omega-3 fatty acids – all of which are essential for a strong immune system.

In fact, two eggs on average provide 60% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D, which is a mineral that is present in very few foods naturally and can be challenging to achieve from sun exposure alone. The risk of the flu and respiratory infections may be raised by low levels of vitamins. On the other hand, sufficient levels assist guarantee that the body’s antimicrobial peptides (known as cathelicidins) have the strength to fight off microorganisms that can make you ill.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are full of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which together help fish lovers stay healthy.

Reduced immunity can result from a diet lacking in protein, according to Meshulam. There are several causes for this. One major benefit is that the vitamin aids in the body’s ability to restore immunological cells

The role of omega-3s is similar. They aid in the body’s production of antibodies that fight infections and function as the body’s search-and-destroy mechanism. They locate an encroachment (such as a virus or bacteria) and attach it to it. This signals the body that it needs to go on the defensive and take all necessary precautions to eliminate the bacteria.

Sweet Potato

Red, yellow, and orange vegetables include the antioxidant beta-carotene, which is abundant in orange-fleshed potatoes. Beta-carotene is transformed by the body into vitamin A, a substance that aids in the development of epithelial tissues. These tissues serve as the body’s initial line of defense against pathogens by covering the surfaces of the body and organs. Additionally, vitamin A fortifies the digestive system’s defenses against infection.


Many people who want to strengthen their immune systems don’t immediately think of beans and soya, yet some varieties are rich in zinc.

Compared to other vitamins and minerals, zinc doesn’t receive as much attention, but our bodies require it for our immune cells to operate properly.

Beans with a high zinc content include:

  • Oysters
  • Crab
  • Lobster
  • Mussels

Remember that you shouldn’t consume more zinc than the daily recommended quantity in your diet:

  • For mature men, 11 mg
  • For most adult women, 8 mg

In fact, an excessive amount of zinc might suppress the immune system.

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