In today’s market, there are a wide variety of violins for sale that may overwhelm beginners and enthusiasts. Here we summed up some of the most popular violin choices for beginners or experts and what makes them distinct and favored.
A Guide to Different Types of Violin
Knowing your ideal violin would also set you on a much more pleasant playing experience and journey. Exploring the top violin types in the market:
1. Baroque Violin
First on this list is the Baroque violin, configured by the musical practices of the Baroque era. Its physical characteristics appear largely identical to the common modern violins with only slight differences in neck lengths, bow, and fingerboard. At first glance, it appears closely similar to the modern violin but closer inspection would reveal a straighter neck which is also shorter in length. The bow also acquires a curved form which reduces its length in comparison to the concave shape of the modern violin. The baroque also has a shorter fingerboard which notably differs from the longer and angular fingerboards from the modern violin. These subtle changes add a unique visual character to the baroque violin. The curved form and reduced length of the Baroque bow largely differ from the concave structure of the modern bow. This contrast calls for changes in playing techniques, promoting a gentler touch and intricate articulation. Baroque violinists employ diverse string styles, incorporating shorter strokes and placing emphasis on ornamentation, thereby capturing the expressive richness inherent in Baroque music.
2. Modern Violin
The most common type of violin in this contemporary era would be the modern violin. The origins of the contemporary violin can be identified in the early 16th century, marked by substantial transformations in its design and build. Pioneering luthiers played major roles in shaping the distinct characteristics of the instrument. Their innovations laid the groundwork for the development of the modern violin, characterized by standardized features such as an elongated fingerboard, a more arched bridge, and a modified neck angle. The tonal characteristics of the modern violin are notably shaped by the selection of strings. While gut strings were widely used in earlier eras, today’s violinists frequently choose synthetic or metal-core strings due to their enhanced stability and longevity. The modern bow, featuring a concave design and greater weight, enables a broad spectrum of bowing techniques, allowing for the incorporation of vibrato and subtle dynamics.
3. Fiddle
Third on this list is the fiddle, characterized by its f-shaped sound holes, strategically positioned on each side of the instrument’s soundboard. These serve a dual purpose, enhancing the fiddle’s visual appeal while playing a pivotal role in shaping its distinctive sound. Functionally, the f-shaped sound holes permit the vibrations generated by the strings to interact with the air within the body of the instrument. Additionally, in its core lies its distinctive hourglass-shaped body, made from carefully chosen tonewoods like spruce and maple. The top plate, referred to as the soundboard, is commonly crafted from spruce, valued for its ability to resonate and respond to the vibrations produced by the strings. The back and sides, often made from maple, contribute not only to the fiddle’s robustness but also influence its tonal characteristics. The combination of these tonewoods, selected for their specific acoustic properties, culminates in the creation of the fiddle’s signature warm and resonant sound.
These three are the most commonly found violins for sale in today’s market. Each carries a unique characteristic that caters to the needs and preferences of its player. The shape, feel, and sound qualities are distinct and each genre has its appropriate violin type. Your budget also often dictates the type of violin to choose, having a grasp of the price range associated with various types of violins enables you to make a well-informed decision that aligns with your financial considerations.