How to Do SEO for A New Website? Step by Step Guide


Optimizing your website is a key requirement if you want to get a successful web presence online. With the recent changes in the Google algorithm, a proper website SEO has become a necessity and without it, your business ceases to perform in the world of the web. To cope up with these many new SEO strategies are coming up, but what has never gone out of date is discussed here.

Website Analysis:

A proper website analysis helps in understanding the status of the website. Going through it helps you get straight to the USP of the business and accordingly it will help you planning the SEO strategy. Moreover, the detailed analysis will help you point out what’s missing in your existing website.

Competitor’s Analysis:

Website analysis also helps in analyzing a competitor’s website that helps to find out what’s lacking in your website. Many times, a good competitor site helps you get the idea about what a site should contain. Check for the Alexa top sites and Google top sites. As per the penguin and Panda updates recently, there’s been a lot of updates on the leading websites. Most of the SEO updates these days are based on the target audience. Also, the industry type and the scope of the SEO process play a major role in the competitor’s website analysis. These factors have become important more now than ever before.

Keyword Research:

This is one of the most valuable parts of the website SEO process. The high returns of the online business to a great extent depend on the appropriate choice of keywords. Once you get ranks for the right keywords chosen, you chances of getting visibility increases. Moreover, getting traffic for the right kind of keywords helps you get the highest returns on investment. So, better research is the By researching your market’s key to success. By researching the top keywords on-demand, you can target the right traffic, which increases the chance of conversion to a large extent.

On-page Optimization:

Check out if your website contains all the factors that help to increase the rank of your website. These factors have an effect on your website that boosts the site’s ranking in the leading search engines. These factors help your site get a better place in the natural search results. On-page optimization factors are being solely controlled by the site’s coding. The examples of on-page optimization include HTML code, keyword placement, meta tags, schema, heading tags, actionable content, and keyword density.

Building Quality Backlinks:

It helps in getting higher visibility in the Google SERPs and consequently get higher page ranks. Though building excessive links has been considered spamming, but a few quality backlinks help you attract a large volume of targeted customers. Informative articles related to the products and services of your business help you build quality backlinks. This way you will get some relevant traffic qualified for quick conversion. Find relevant and good reputational websites for backlinks. Don’t link your domain to spammy sites.

So, start exploring these strategies and you will soon get a better rank in the leading search engines.

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