How to Give Your Teenager’s Bedroom a Makeover

Teenager Bedroom Makeover

As your teen moves into the next phase of their lives, their tastes change. As they transition from an early teen who still loves some of their childhood toys and teddy bears, they might want to start making changes in their bedrooms. They won’t want to invite friends over to a room that’s filled with childish decorations and toys, and they’ll be keen to express their growing personalities. Here are some tips on how you can give your teen’s bedroom a cool makeover, no matter what budget you are working with.

Avoid Trends

The problem with teenagers is their tastes change all of the time. The colors, celebrities, games, and musicians that they love today, they’ll be over tomorrow. Today’s teen culture will be forgotten in a few short years. If you’re not careful, this can mean regular redecorating.

Instead, avoid trends. Keep things relatively plain when it comes to walls and large pieces and let them show their tastes and personality with cheaper accessories and additions.

Invest in Key Pieces

Your teen isn’t going to keep growing for much longer. The beds and bedroom furniture that you buy now could last for years to come. They might take them off to college, or the furniture could become a feature in your future guest room. So, it’s worth investing more in high-quality goods that will last for a long time. To save money on these items by applying Kohl’s iscount codes for your favorite stores.

Let Them Pick the Paint

Painting their walls is much cheaper than wallpapering, as well as easier to change. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t be fun. Let your teen choose the paint and add decals if they want something a little different.

Add an Area Rug

An area rug is a fantastic way to add some color, as well as comfort, to your teen’s room. They can also be much easier to clean than carpet.

Keep Storage Simple

Your teenager might not need large toyboxes anymore, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t still need storage. A desk can be a great addition to a teenager’s bedroom, so they’ve got a comfortable space to study. Then, add shelving for books and work, and perhaps storage boxes or closed cupboards for any more personal items they don’t want on display.

Add Seating

One of the biggest differences between a child and a teen is that they use their rooms differently. A child is happy to play on the floor and sit on their bed. The teenager wants a space that they can entertain friends in, somewhere to do their homework and a comfortable place to sit and play on their devices. This means that they need more seating options. If there’s space, a sofa bed can be ideal, but gamer’s chairs and fun seating like beanbags can be great too.

Grownup Accessories

Smaller accessories that can be changed, swapped, and moved around are your teen’s way to show their personality without you having to change their bedroom all of the time. Let them display meaningful items, like trophies and photos of friends. Then, make it a little more grown-up by framing posters and adding a pinboard for memos, photos, tickets, and other items they want to keep.

The biggest thing to remember when making over your teenagers’ bedroom is that they are old enough to have some involvement and make some decisions. Tackle the room with them, not for them, and you’ll be fine.

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