Every region has its own dress code and a way to wear a dress. As true Sikhs typically wear a turban (dastaar) as a sign of their faith and identity, along with other articles of faith such as a steel bracelet (kara), kirpan, comb, and long undergarments (kachera). Muslims may wear a variety of traditional garments, depending on their cultural background and regional practices, but some common articles of clothing include the headscarf (hijab), the long tunic (thobe), and loose-fitting trousers (sharwal) or a skirt (jilbab). Hindus do not have a specific dress code, but traditional garments such as the sari, dhoti, and kurta are commonly worn, along with various regional and cultural styles of clothing.
But Christians do not have a specific dress code, but many attend church in formal or semi-formal attire, such as a suit and tie for men or a dress or skirt for women. However, their priest wears a special kind of dress, which is described below.
Catholic Priest Dresses
Chasubles are sleeveless outer garments worn by priests over the alb and stoles during religious services, typically made of silk or velvet and decorated with symbols or colors indicating the liturgical season or the feast being celebrated.
Surplices are white, lightweight overgarments worn by priests over the cassock, often trimmed with lace or embroidery and worn during services and processions in the Anglican, Lutheran, and Methodist churches.
The cassock is a long, flowing outer garment worn by priests, usually black or white in color, which represents a sign of the priest’s commitment to religious life and their dedication to serving God.
Clergy albs are long, white robes worn by priests over the cassock and typically made of linen or cotton, serving as a symbol of purity and a reminder of baptismal clothing.
Cloaks are long, loose outer garments worn by some priests during liturgical processions or outdoor events, providing warmth and protection from the elements while also conveying a sense of tradition and solemnity.
Copes are ceremonial cloaks worn by priests during liturgical services and processions, often richly decorated with embroidery or precious metals and worn as a symbol of the priest’s authority and dignity.
Dalmatics are ornamental, long-sleeved liturgical vestments worn by deacons and some priests in the Catholic and Anglican churches, often decorated with crosses or other symbols and worn as a symbol of the deacon’s or priest’s role in the liturgy.
Priest shirts are typically black or white and may feature a Roman collar, which is a narrow band of white that encircles the neck, often worn as a sign of religious office or as a symbol of the priest’s vow of celibacy.
Catholic Priest Accessories
Collarettes and Collars
Collarettes and collars are detachable shirt collars worn by some priests in various denominations, usually made of plastic or linen and designed to fit over the neckband of a shirt or a clerical shirt front, giving the appearance of a Roman collar without requiring the wearer to don a full clerical shirt.
Burses are ornamental pouches or cases used by priests to carry the corporal, which is a small square of linen used to cover the altar during the Eucharist, and the purificator, which is a small piece of linen used to wipe the chalice during the Eucharist.
Chalice Linen Sets
Chalice linen sets are collections of small linen pieces, including a corporal, purificator, and pall, used during the Eucharist by priests to cover the altar, wipe the chalice, and cover the paten, respectively, and often beautifully embroidered with religious symbols or designs.
Mitres are ceremonial headdresses worn by bishops, abbots, and some priests in various denominations, usually made of fine materials and decorated with embroidery or precious metals, symbolizing the bishop or abbot’s authority and position within the church hierarchy.
Stoles are long, narrow, scarf-like vestments worn by priests, often decorated with symbols or colors indicating the liturgical season, and serving as a symbol of the priest’s authority to administer the sacraments and preach the gospel.
Veils are ornamental pieces of fabric used by some priests and other clergy members to cover the chalice and paten during the Eucharist, often made of fine linen or silk and decorated with religious symbols or embroidery.