When it comes to saving money, many people have difficulty discerning what expenses are essential and which ones are luxuries. For some, sacrificing their favorite product for the store brand is a sin never to be committed, no matter how broke they are.
Unfortunately, saving money on household bills does involve effort and some level of sacrifice. The good news is, you don’t have to sacrifice everything to cut costs. Here are a few tips to help you reduce household bills without sacrificing anything important.
1. Save on Dental Care
Going to the dentist is expensive, especially if you’re like many other people without dental cover. However, there are some innovative companies out there who have made it their business to ensure that you don’t need expensive health insurance to be able to afford the dental treatment you need.
These days, you can get help paying your dental bills by purchasing a cheap yearly dental plan. Not dental insurance, but rather, dental coverage, these plans help defray the costs of many common dental issues and preventative treatments.
2. A bundle like a Boss
In today’s digital society, phones, TV, and the internet are essential services. They can be purchased separately or together, and their pricing varies greatly from provider to provider. The easiest way to save money each month is to find a provider that offers all three services and bundle them together.
Other options to save money in this department include doing away with cable TV altogether and going with a streaming service like Netflix and a digital antenna for your local stations. With all the options available for saving money on entertainment, it’s worth getting creative with your programming to save maximum cash. You can even ask around among your friends and family and share the cost of a streaming subscription.
3. Go to the Grocery Store Prepared
The monthly food bill for an average household typically exceeds the intended budget. This is because most people don’t go to the grocery store prepared, and more than half of their purchases are impulse buys.
To help you stay on track, make a shopping list, and stick to it. Eat before you go so you aren’t tempted to buy extra stuff you don’t need, and by all means, use coupons when you can. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, consumers can save as much as $50 a week by using coupons for things like food, clothing, and household items.
4. Cut Electricity Costs
We take electricity for granted, but with just a few simple steps you can slash your monthly electricity costs without even realizing you’ve done anything. First, replace any old lightbulbs with new, energy-efficient ones, and remember to turn the lights off when you don’t need them.
Next, stop “vampire drain” by unplugging electricity sucker electronics like countertop kitchen appliances and workout equipment when not in use. Lastly, don’t keep your thermostat set to sub-zero temperatures all summer long. Instead, use fans to circulate air to keep indoor temps comfortable.
5. Grow a Garden
Produce is expensive, especially if you prefer the organic variety. Rather than dishing out money to buy your veggies at the store, grow your own at home. Tending to a garden not only saves you money, but it’s also physically and mentally rewarding.
Nobody likes the idea of cutting back, especially if it means you must do without something you really love. By following the tips above, you should be able to reduce your household bills without sacrificing anything important.