If you’re a frequent vacationer or business traveler, you may occasionally take clean water for granted. However, as many travelers know, even a hotel in the most ideal setting can cause exposure to illness from something as simple as taking a dip in the hotel pool, a relaxing session in the hotel sauna, or even just a breath of air in your room.
Two of the most common diseases that travelers are infected with during their hotel stays are Legionnaires’ Disease and Cryptosporidiosis.
Legionnaires’ is a disease caused by the Legionella bacteria. The disease made waves after a sizable breakout in 1976. An American Legion convention in Philadelphia was featured in a hotel that housed 182 guests at the time, all of which were infected. Of those 182, twenty-nine had died as a result of Legionnaires’ Disease. The bacteria had infected the guests as a result of improperly treated water in the hotel. This water was then transmitted through the air and the rest is history. As a result, however, many hotels made significant changes in the way they monitor their water and HVAC systems in order to keep their guests safe. However, if you’re a frequent traveler, you should always remain diligent when visiting hotels around the world. You are always dependent on the property management staff to maintain their systems accordingly. If they’re not, you could be in some serious trouble. If you feel unsafe in any particular hotel, avoid any source of water and environments where you could be exposed to damp air and water droplets.
The lesser-known, but still as harmful, of the two common travel diseases, is Crypto. Crypto is caused by a parasite that is commonly found in water supplies as well: cryptosporidium. This parasite has been known to cause the infected to suffer severe diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Most common in recreational water, travelers would be suggested to avoid a hotel’s pools, hot tubs, and other water-based hotel attractions if they feel the hotel’s water supply has been infected.
These certainly aren’t the only potentially dangerous microscopic contaminants that travelers can be exposed to in their hotel stays. As such, it’s imperative to stay up to date regarding your travel destination’s local water health and safety situation before planning any excursion. If you are concerned about any of the water you come into contact with, be sure to seek medical attention immediately. For more information regarding the potential dangers of water on your travels and hotel stays, check out the featured infographic below.
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