What Are The Main Causes Of Teeth Cavities In Kids Below 5 Years?

Main Causes Of Teeth Cavities

Cavities, also known as decay, are damaged areas of the tooth that cannot be repaired. Cavities are relatively common among young people today. Untreated discomfort and illness might occur in your child. As a result, communication, eating, and learning may be hampered. Even before they get their first tooth, you can assist your child in developing good dental practices.

What factors contribute to the development of cavities in children?

Cavities develop when dental plaque accumulates and eats away at the enamel of the teeth, creating a hole. However, some kids only use the brush once every day. Or, even worse, they neglect entirely brushing their teeth. Until the age of six, children cannot effectively wash their teeth on their own. An adult should clean a child’s teeth or oversee their brushing until they are mature enough to do it properly themselves.

Additionally, some kids forget to floss or do it poorly. Plaque and food particles left between teeth can cause cavities to form if they aren’t eliminated. Flossing can be a real challenge for children; thus, parents should be included in this process. Also, keep in mind that effective oral hygiene necessitates routine dental examinations.

Teaching good dental hygiene to your child is the most effective strategy to keep them free of cavities.

Cavities occur when bacteria and food residue are not removed from the teeth after eating. When acid builds up on a tooth, it weakens the enamel to the point where a cavity occurs. Keep your teeth healthy by following these simple steps:

  • It’s never too early to begin healthy oral hygiene habits. Teach children to use fluoride toothpaste and floss at least twice a day. Some towns require fluoridation of the tap water, while others do not. Fluoride supplements can be obtained from your dentist if your water source is not fluoridated or your family consumes distilled water. Fluoride is a common ingredient in toothpaste, but it is not enough to protect a child’s teeth from decay and gum disease on its own. Too much fluoride, on the other hand, may result in discolored teeth.
  • Some foods should be consumed in moderation or not at all. Enamel can be eroded and cavities formed by sugary meals, liquids, and candies (particularly sticky gummy candies, gummy vitamins, and fruit leather or “roll-ups”). Your children should brush their teeth or rinse their mouth after eating one of these items to remove the sugar from their system. Taking sweetened liquid medicines is no different: make sure they wash their mouths or brush their teeth afterward.


Dental treatment for children is something we take very seriously at Eugene kids dentist. Every day, a good dentist tries to provide specialized dental treatment to all the children in the communities we serve – dentists who specialize in children’s dentistry use cutting-edge technology to give your family the best care possible. With great respect, dentists provide a welcoming, cheerful, and dynamic environment for your children, so they look forward to their dental visits.

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